Originally published on April 5, 2020 on Medium.com. by Henrike Steimer, a PhD Economist and former Postdoc at Stanford GSB, LMU Munich. Below is an excerpt from the paper:
With more detailed data on the varying introduction of policies across US counties and over time as well as the resulting spread of the disease we could provide evidence on which measures we should keep and which measures we should lift in order to reactivate the economy (see e.g. this post by Tomas Pueyo on “Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance” and the need to quantify the contributions of different measures to this trade-off).
There are great projects gathering necessary data and contributions are very welcome:
Which NPIs did US counties implement and when?
As shown in the figure above, there has been a major wave of implementation of NPIs between March 9 and March 21 in many US counties. One of the “early” NPIs was social distancing for vulnerable groups from early March on. Most counties adopted more restrictive NPIs like gathering size limitations and the closure of public venues, schools and universities as well as non-essential services within a very short time period of just a few days mid-March. By late March, social distancing for all has become common in most counties.
Read the entire article here.