November 2019 — Keystone Co-Chair and Harvard Business School Professor Marco Iansiti spent several months in Italy supporting Sky Media with its digital transformation efforts. Their task was to ideate a variety of platform business model concepts and provide Sky with a prioritized set of opportunities to drive growth in both customer engagement and ecosystem influence. Keystone’s work included developing a detailed business case and implementation plan for a transformative on screen commerce experience which moved forward into pilot phase. Keystone also advised Sky’s senior leadership team on operating model best practices for launching the advanced analytics and data platform capabilities required by such initiatives.
From Product Business Model to Ecosystems
Keystone’s experience in platform business model approaches is extensive. Our work has shown us that when companies move towards platform-oriented business models, they often also undergo significant shifts in their operating models as well. The move from a product mindset to an ecosystem and network effects mindset can be significant.
Contributors include: Seyla Azoz and Marco Iansiti